Talkeetna, Alaska: A charming basecamp for Denali

Talkeetna is an adorable town just south of Denali National Park, and home to the starting place for Denali climbers. From town, climbers are flown into the park to start their journey at base camp before attempting summits. This year, Alaska had some particularly cold, rainy weather, so summits seemed to be less likely than …

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Palmer, Alaska: Glaciers, mines, and views for days

Alaska feels like a different country and that’s the beauty of the United States. There’s so much to see without a passport, and so many states make you feel like sometimes you’ve left the planet. Alaska did not disappoint in our two-week adventure. I’ll give you a quick run-down of our itinerary, my impressions, and …

Continue reading Palmer, Alaska: Glaciers, mines, and views for days